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Welcome to the 
Hampton High School
Parent Hornet page

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Hampton Parent Universtiy

HHS Parent University

HHS Parent University

Parent Teacher

Thursday, October 19, 2023

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Signup Genius.png

Click here

Good day, parents!
Please take a moment to click on the SignUpGenius link above. There, you'll find a list of 15-minute conference time slots that you can choose from. If for any reason you can't make it on this particular night or if you require more time to chat about your child's progress with their teacher, don't hesitate to  email your child's teacher to arrange a conference on a different day that works better for you. Your involvement means a lot to us! 😊

Video Conference

Weekly School Schedule

Please take a moment to review the events taking place on the campus of

Hampton High School this week

School Council

We are excited to open our School Council voting process this week. Nine nominated individuals have agreed to have their names placed on the ballot for a two-year term. Please take a moment this week and cast your vote. Voting will close on Friday afternoon, Oct. 20. Thanks, Hornets!

An email via Infinite Campus messenger has been sent to the parent/guardian of each student of Hampton High School.  Please refer to the School Council email for the ballot an information.

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Pumpkin Spice

We welcome 
you to the 

Week 10
Day # 43

Regular Bell Schedule

Week 10
Day # 44

Regular Bell Schedule

Week 10
Day # 45

Regular Bell Schedule

-Forensics Club meeting 3:30 pm in Mr. Glotfelty's classroom- Topic of discussion: "Thanks for Giving" canned food drive.

Students who are interested in joining are welcome as well.

Week 11
Day # 46

Regular Bell Schedule

-Gordon State College will be on Campus during lunch to provide admission information to interested students

-Virtual Parent Teacher Conference Night 4:00 - 6:00 pm


-Lady Hornet Softball 1st Round Regional State Playoffs @ 5:00 pm (Correction- "Away")

-HHS 9th Football vs Stockbridge (Home) @ 6:00 pm

Week 11
Day # 47

Regular Bell Schedule

-One Act Festival Fairview @ PAC

-Lady Hornet Softball 1st Round Regional State Playoffs @ 5:00 pm

-HHS Varsity Football vs McDonough HS (Away) 7:30 pm


Enjoy Your weekend

Fall Foliage

We will be
on a
Regular Bell Schedule 
for the week of October 16


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Leaf Pattern Design

Attendance Matters

Regular school attendance is a key factor in ensuring students' success in their educational journey. In the state of Georgia, there are laws in place to support this goal. According to Georgia law, children aged six (6) to sixteen (16) are required to attend school, unless they have a valid reason for absence. Additionally, even children under the age of six (6) who have attended school for twenty (20) or more days are subject to the Georgia Mandatory Attendance Law, O.C.G.A. §20-2-150(c).


We believe in the importance of every student being present in school, and we encourage all parents and guardians to ensure their children attend regularly. It's worth noting that if a student accumulates more than five (5) unexcused absences during the school year, they will be classified as truant. Let's work together to ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive academically!



Please use this link for a listing of

what is considered an excused absence

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Congratulations to Coach Majors and our
Lady Hornet
softball team
for qualifying for the 1st Round of the State Softball Tournament  

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Go Hornets!

Softball Closeup
Feature Scholarship

Feature Scholarship

Do you want to win up to $35,000 for college?

Apply for the "Voice of Democracy Scholarship".

This scholarship is open to "ALL" high school students.

Application Due date: October 31, 2023

Apply Early

Click here to apply

For more scholarship information on

other scholarships Click here

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

school organizations.webp



Boys Basketball

All boys interested in playing basketball must have a physical completed and Dragon Fly completed.  Tryouts will be October 23-24, 2023

Varsity tryouts

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

JV/9th grade tryouts

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the main gym.

Basketball Match

Hey there, we have a little request to make our school day run smoothly! We'd really appreciate it if food deliveries to our campus during school hours could be avoided, and this also includes any parent food deliveries to students.


Food deliveries of any form will not be permitted.

Not to worry though, students are absolutely welcome to warm up their food in the cafeteria during lunchtime. It's a small change that helps us keep our school environment running smoothly. Thanks for understanding and working with us to make our school a great place for everyone!

Food deliveries are
not permitted.

Important Websites

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

© 2023 Hampton High School

Contact Us

Hampton High School

795 Hampton Locust Grove Rd

Hampton, GA 30228

(770) 946-7461

School Hours: 8:15 am 3:15 pm  Mon - Fri

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